Gretchen Gibbs, D.C. is a National Board Certified Chiropractic Physician. Dr. Gibbs received her B.S. from West Liberty State College and her Doctorate in Chiropractic from Life University.
Dr. Gibbs is licensed in the state of Georgia to practice Chiropractic and Physiotherapy and also holds a Georgia State Radiology permit. She has been practicing for 19 years and is co-owner of North Decatur Health Care. We offer Chiropractic, Massage Therapy and Rehabilitation services for our patients.
Over the past 8 years she has specialized in the field of soft tissue injuries as most of her practice includes conditions related to bones, muscles, joints, discs and nerves. Typically in a trauma or repetitive motions these are the areas of the human spine that are most commonly injured. Her offices perform over 6,000 treatments a year related to these types of injuries, and each patient is treated for their individual needs. Being in the medical community for so many years, Dr. Gibbs has a network of Medical Doctors, Neurologists, Neuro-Surgeons, Orthopedists, Physiatrists and many other disciplines to better help her patient's needs.
Dr. Gibbs is a member of the American Chiropractic Association and Georgia Chiropractic Association. Dr. Gibbs' hobbies include golfing, walking, hiking, biking and listening to local musicians.